
The acai is a fruit of characteristic color very dark purple. This intense color is due to the high content of fruit pigments, called anthocyanins. When we eat fruit pigments, our body's advantage as antioxidants, ie substances that fight the natural aging of cells.
However, this quality is important in situations or habits that increase our antioxidant needs. Elite athletes, for example, have great physical wear, have to increase their contribution in antioxidants.
The same applies to people with a lot of stress, with smoking habits or have cardiovascular disease. In all cases, we must consume foods high in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, or in this case, supplements acai anthocyanins through.
The prestigious Dr. Nicholas Perricone, an American dermatologist promoter of anti-aging diet, introduces acai in all diets to prevent aging.

The Acai and its beneficial properties to help reduce cholesterol

Acai is famous in treating cholesterol. This quality of the content associated acai phytosterols, which can help reduce cholesterol levels and also maintains a cardiovascular health.
Yet another interesting component in this respect is the good fat profile of this fruit. It contains mostly oleic acid Omega 9, abundant in olive oil and have been reported beneficial for the heart qualities.
Other important for the vascular system that gives us the acai (both juice and pulp), components are important minerals such as calcium, found in the juice and pulp almost the same proportion as in milk, and is involved in the muscle contraction; and the contribution of potassium and low sodium content of this food makes it a natural diuretic.
Combining the acai on a diet for cardiovascular health, it is a drink to combat fluid retention and to help improve hypertension.

The stimulating power of Acai

It deserves mention the stimulating effects of acai, because this is another of his popular qualities.
Main healing properties of açai juice
The Acai is a fruit astringent

The acai has high content of tannins, substances that provide an astringent taste to the fruit. These tannins are manufactured by the plant to protect themselves from predators like birds, toucans and other birds, they can not digest these substances are toxic to your body. Instead, the human body is able to take advantage of tannins as antioxidant compounds.
However, the astringent taste (dry mouth, bitter taste) is easily appreciated by tasting the fruit. Formerly, the Amazonian people have used the fresh fruit (with more tannin content when processed) to treat diarrhea. Poultices acai also used to stop minor bleeding.
The Acai to fight arthritis
There is a belief that acai is effective against arthritis, this is due to the anti-inflammatory properties associated with normal dietary consumption of acai fruit. The active components involved in the improvement of arthritis may be calcium, trace elements and good fruit lipid profile. However, there are not enough scientific studies to this field.
Antipyretic properties root Acai

The Tikunas use the root of the acai palm, which they call "Huay" to control fever caused by malaria. The prepared dry, crushed and boiled once, and take three cups daily.
The same infusion is used by Quechuas to relieve muscle pain and bleeding.
The Acai, possible anti-cancer

In vitro experiments developed by the University of Florida in Gainsville, USA, they have discovered that acai reduces the proliferation of cancer cells.
It was also discovered that the extract of acai favored processes apoptosis (natural cell death) of human leukemia cells. This effect polyphenolic compounds present in the acai attributed on cancer cells of leukemia called "HL-60 cells." The effect of polyphenols reduced proliferation of leukemia in a 56-86%.
But even here there are many factors in the prevention and treatment of cancer, so the study of plant phytochemicals involved in this disease is still under study.